The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act Revisited [2020 Tax Update]
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) received a lot of attention when it passed in 2017, but with everything that has happened since, it would be a good idea to take another look at the TJCA. Some provisions of the tax reform act did not go into effect immediately, so you might want to talk to a Maryland tax attorney and revisit the TJCA.
Federal Tax Extensions During the Pandemic - What You Need to Know
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has extended Tax Day from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. However, what does that mean for individuals and businesses? Our Maryland tax attorney answers common questions about the COVID-19 federal tax extensions in this blog.
Thinking about Selling Your Business in 2020? Beware of These [Tax] Implications
It’s important to understand that selling your business has significant tax implications. Knowing what you want from your business is critical in determining how you structure the sale and minimize exposure to heavy tax burdens.
[VIDEO] Start-Ups 201 - Holding Companies - Why You Might Want One
A holding company is the parent company for one or more other companies known as subsidiaries. The parent company owns the shares and assets of the subsidiaries, but the parent company doesn’t participate in the day-to-day operations of each company. It just maintains oversight over the other companies.
[Business & Taxes] What are the Tax Implications of Selling an LLC in 2020?
Are you preparing to consult your DC fractional general counsel about selling your LLC (Limited Liability Company)? If so, there are some tax implications you might want to address with your attorney to ensure that you minimize any negative tax implications that could accompany the transfer of your LLC.
What is Pass-Through Taxation for Businesses?
Pass-through taxation refers to how income from some businesses is taxed. Many businesses in the United States operate as pass-through business entities. A DC fractional general counsel can help you determine if a pass-through business entity is right for your company.
Have You Considered Fractional General Counsel?
Many entrepreneurs discover that they need a competent general counsel at various stages in the business cycle. They need legal services to address matters related to intellectual property, employment matters, contract negotiation, contract review, litigation, and other legal issues. Few small-to-mid-size business owners have the budget to hire outside counsel a full-time, in-house counsel. Retaining a DC fractional general counsel for your company might give you the best of both options.
New Court-Approved Ways to Defeat IRS Penalties
Are you fighting to defeat IRS penalties? If so, new court-approved ways to defeat IRS penalties can help you keep the money you earned instead of paying it to the federal government. As a Maryland tax attorney, I continually monitor changes in the tax code that benefit my clients and help devise strategies to avoid penalties and decrease overall tax liability.
Five Things You’ll Want to Know About the 199A Deduction in 2020
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) included a provision to help small business owners reduce their tax liability. The new deduction, commonly called the Section 199A deduction, allows some small business owners to deduct up to 20 percent of their qualified business income from their taxable income. In other words, small business owners have the potential for saving thousands of dollars in taxes by lowering their taxable income through a Section 199A deduction.
Taxes for AirBnB Rental Properties
Owners who list their Maryland property on AirBnB should know a major change in the tax laws for short-term occupancy taxes. The change took effect on June 1, 2019. AirBnB has noted the tax on its website. Many property owners fear that the mandatory occupancy tax will reduce the number of guests who book their property, but owners of hotels and other businesses already subject to state occupancy taxes were for the change.
Avoid These Expensive Mistakes on Your Payroll Taxes
Issuing a paycheck is not as simple as writing, signing, and handing a check to an employee. The federal and state government expect employers to withhold certain taxes from an employee’s check and submit those taxes, along with employer’s payroll taxes, to the correct taxing authority by certain deadlines. Failing to report payroll properly and pay tax authorities could cause costly fines and penalties for employers.
How Will my Cryptocurrency Sales Affect my Taxes?
The IRS views digital currency as property. Therefore, the applicable tax code for cryptocurrency is typically the portion of the code that relates to capital gains or losses. However, some transactions involving digital currency may be treated as income for the owner. Now that Bitcoin and other forms of digital currency have gained in popularity, and increased substantially in value, the IRS is interested in ensuring that taxpayers report cryptocurrency correctly.
[Video] Tax 101 - Five Tips for Making Tax Time Easier Next Year
Tax Attorney Steve Thienel discusses time-honored tactics for reducing stress around tax time.
Of a Certain Age? You May Need to Withdraw Money from a Retirement Account
You worked hard for many decades and saved money for retirement. You would think that since you earned that money, you can do with it what you want. Many people are surprised to learn that the government will force them to start taking money out of their retirement savings when they reach the age of 70 ½ years. Why is that? Maryland tax attorneys have been advising their clients on this rule for years. Here’s what you need to know.
Did the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Kill My Boat Deduction?
The deductions you may take for interest on your boat loan has changed somewhat since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), but the deductions have not been eliminated. Below is a brief discussion from Maryland tax attorney, Steve Thienel, of some changes in the tax reform bill that impacts interest deductions for a boat. If you follow the current rules in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, you may still benefit from certain deductions.
Two Ways to Save Thousands with the Home Office Deduction
Business owners who use a portion of their home for business may benefit from using the home office deduction when preparing their income taxes. Claiming a deduction for a home office often reduces tax liability. However, the IRS has strict guidelines for claiming a home office deduction on your tax return. A Maryland tax attorney can help you determine if you can claim a home office deduction and the best way to maximize tax benefits for this deduction.
[UPDATED] Can I Deduct my Business-Related Auto Expenses on my S-Corp Taxes?
Updated 2020 - The rules have changed on how you can deduct your business-related auto expenses on your S-Corp taxes under the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA). A Maryland tax attorney can help.
How to Get a Tax Benefit from Business Losses
If you are a new startup, you may realize a small profit at the end of the year, buton paperyou report a loss. Reporting a loss on paper is common for some new startups during the first two or three years. Thisis especially true when someone is turning a hobby into a profitable business venture. Depending on the type of business entity you choose after speaking with a Maryland business attorney, you could benefit from those losses while you are building and growing your business.
Understanding Small Business Health Care Deductions
Health insurance premiums can be very expensive for a small business. To offset some of that expense for small businesses, The Affordable Care Act provides a small business health care tax credit. The tax credit can reduce the cost of employee health coverage for a small business. If you need assistance with this small business tax deduction or other tax deductions to reduce your tax liability, you can get more information from a Maryland business attorney.