Maryland Estate Planning Attorney
What Can a Maryland Estate Planning Attorney do for You?
You’ve worked very hard for the property and assets you have obtained. Providing for your financial needs and the financial needs of your family has been a priority. Now it is time to work with a Maryland Estate Planning attorney to develop a comprehensive estate plan that protects your loved ones after your death. In addition, your estate plan also protects you and your assets now and if you become incapacitated.
At Thienel Law, LLC, our experienced Maryland estate planning attorney helps you execute the estate planning documents you need for asset protection and control over your estate. We also assist personal representatives with probate estate administration.
Our legal professionals handle all probate-related matters, including powers of attorney, guardianships, and trusts. We are a full-service Maryland probate and estate planning law firm.
Contact Thienel Law, LLC today to schedule a consultation with an experienced Maryland estate planning lawyer to discuss the estate planning process. We use a variety of estate planning tools as part of our estate planning services.
How Our Maryland Estate Planning Attorneys Can Help With Probate and Estate Planning Matters
Estate planning is a legal matter people put off. They do not believe they have enough assets to create an estate plan or might think they have plenty of time. However, everyone needs an estate plan, even though they might be unmarried, young, and in good health. It does not matter whether you have children or the amount of your assets. An estate plan protects you throughout your lifetime and protects your family after your death.
Thienel Law, LLC is one of Maryland’s most trusted law firms for estate planning, trusts, guardianships, tax representation, and probate administration. Our experienced Maryland estate planning attorney helps you develop a comprehensive estate plan that protects you, your loved ones, and your property. Attorney Steve Thienel has decades of experience handling estates and probate matters. He holds a Master of Laws in Taxation degree, which provides additional expertise in estate and issues related to the taxation of estates, trusts, inheritances, and gifts.
When you hire our top-rated Maryland estate planning lawyer, we will:
Discuss your situation to help you identify and prioritize goals and needs
Help you develop a comprehensive estate plan
Develop a strategy for maintaining your desired standard of living
Prepare estate planning documents
Address issues for transferring estate assets and inheritance to individuals that ensure they use the resources responsibly
Plan for long-term care, including assisted living and skilled nursing care
Protect assets from an heir’s creditors, ex-spouses, and bankruptcy
Develop a plan and draft documents in case of a sudden illness or incapacitation
Develop a plan for gifting during your lifetime to reduce estate taxes
Discuss how to transfer a family-owned company and business interests
Address your desire to contribute to charities through your estate plan
Provide for minor children and family members with special needs
Contact Thienel Law, LLC, to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced estate planning attorney in Maryland to discuss your estate planning needs.
Maryland Powers Of Attorney Lawyer
Powers of attorney are an essential element in estate planning. With a power of attorney, you can appoint an agent to make financial decisions and medical decisions for you. Therefore, you may choose to execute a General Power of Attorney for your finances and a Health Care Power of Attorney for Health Care Directives for medical decisions.
If you become incapacitated, it can be a huge relief knowing that you have a trusted person to step in to take care of these matters when you cannot decide for yourself. Furthermore, a Durable General Power of Attorney can eliminate the need for a conservatorship or guardianship. Learn more...
Maryland Wills Attorney
A Law Will and Testament is one of the most important documents you need for an estate plan. Your Will specifies your heirs and how your property will be distributed after your death. It gives you control over your estate.
However, without a will, you do not have control over how your assets are distributed. Instead, Maryland's intestate laws determine who inherits your property. The state decides for you.
It is a common misconception that you do not need a Will if you have a trust agreement for your personal property. However, everyone needs a Will.
A pour-over Will ensures that any residual estate not included in a trust will be overseen by a personal representative you choose, and the assets will be distributed according to your desires. Without a pour-over Will, the assets will be subject to Maryland intestate law. Learn more...
Maryland Trust Preparation Attorney
Trust agreements are extremely useful tools for estate planning. Revocable and irrevocable trust agreements can protect assets from creditors, reduce estate tax, and protect assets for beneficiaries. Trusts can also avoid probate or make the probate process easier for your loved ones.
Examples of trust agreements you may want to include in your estate plan are:
Revocable Living Trust
Asset Protection Trust
Generation Skipping Trust
Life Insurance Trust
Testamentary Trust
Charitable Trust
QTIP Trust
Special Needs Trust
Qualified Personal Residence Trust
Spendthrift Trust
Pet Trust
However, a trust agreement must be carefully drafted and worded to ensure the trust accomplishes your goals. In addition, funding a trust can be complex, depending on the trust. Maryland trust and estate attorneys can review the pros and cons of trust agreements to help you choose the best trust for your estate plan. Learn more...
Maryland Probate Administration Attorney and Estate Planning Process
Probating a loved one's estate can be difficult, depending on the size of the estate and the factors involved. Preparing forms, notifying heirs, securing assets, reviewing bills, responding to claims, distributing assets, and dealing with objections can be overwhelming. Reasons to hire a Maryland probate administration attorney include, but are not limited to:
Missing heirs
Assistance with securing, inventorying, and valuing property
Probate litigation
Challenges to a Will
Preparation of probate documents
Reduce family conflict
Prepare and file final tax returns and estate tax returns, if necessary
Avoid missing deadlines
Help ensure compliance with fiduciary duties
A Maryland estate planning attorney can guide you through the probate process to reduce the stress and anxiety you may experience as you handle the deceased's final wishes. Learn more...
Maryland Guardianships Attorney
In some cases, a guardianship may be required for a minor or an adult with a physical or mental impairment. The guardian is charged with making decisions in the best interest of the protected person. The decisions may involve financial matters, health care needs, or personal care.
Many people consult with a Maryland estate planning attorney because the process of obtaining guardianship can be complicated. You have the burden of proving that the person’s condition prevents them from managing their own affairs. You may need a doctor or medical specialist to testify.
An attorney can also help you if you are appointed as a guardian. Guardians have a fiduciary duty to act in the protected person’s best interest. They must file reports with the court and account for the funds they spend on behalf of the protected person. A Maryland guardianship lawyer can help you with every aspect of becoming and serving as a guardian.
Learn more...
Maryland Qualified Domestic Relations Order Attorney
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is used in a divorce case where marital retirement assets are divided between divorcing spouses. Retirement assets generally cannot be transferred to another person, but an exception is made for divorcing spouses which allow the transfer to the non-owner spouse under specific terms. A QDRO directs the company that manages the retirement account to distribute a specific amount or percentage to the non-owner.
Without a QDRO, you may have to pay substantial taxes on the funds withdrawn from the account. Obtaining the funds without a court order may also be much more difficult. Our Maryland estate planning lawyer can draft a QDRO that addresses these issues to help you avoid unnecessary taxes and fees. Learn More...
Maryland Business Succession Planning Lawyer
Business succession is another critical element of estate planning services. Without a plan, the company you worked your entire life to build could be lost upon your death or incapacitation.
Benefits of a business succession plan include, but are not limited to:
Identify key employees and potential leaders
Create a plan and structure for training and development
Establish goals and objectives
Prepare a plan for long-term growth
Include family members in the decision-making process
Reveal and address vulnerabilities
Maintain brand identity
Our Maryland estate planning attorney can help you develop a business succession plan that avoids costly disruptions when you die or become incapacitated. We can help ensure your company continues to grow and provide income for future generations. Learn more…
Schedule a Consultation With Our Maryland Estate Planning Lawyer
Our Maryland estate planning lawyer at Thienel Law, LLC, provides a full range of elder law, probate, and estate planning services for estates of all sizes. We help you preserve your legacy, protect your family, and ensure your wishes are followed. Our Maryland probate attorneys tailor an estate plan based on your wishes.
Schedule a consultation with an attorney.

Estate Planning: Top 50 Questions Answered
Estate planning can be an uncomfortable and overwhelming process. It doesn’t have to be. Armed with the information you need, estate planning can be an empowering process that takes a load of stress off of you and your family. Get the answers to the top 50 estate-planning questions from an experienced Maryland estate-planning attorney.