DC Estate Planning Attorney
What Can a DC Estate Planning Attorney do For You?
Do you have questions about estate planning and administration? If so, contact a DC Estate Planning attorney who can answer your questions and provide legal guidance regarding the steps you need to take to protect yourself, your property, and your family. I guide clients through the process of estate planning, including planning for retirement and incapacitation. My office also assists personal representatives with their duties and responsibilities when administrating a probate estate.
DC Powers Of Attorney
A DC Estate Planning attorney can help you draft one or more different Powers of Attorney to meet your needs. If you are interested in giving someone the power to make financial decisions if you are incapacitated, a Durable General Power of Attorney might be necessary. However, if you are more concerned about health care decisions, a Health Care Power of Attorney or Health Care Directive might be the best option. You need to discuss with your attorney before you sign a Power of Attorney all the potential implications of giving someone authority to make decisions for you. Learn more...
DC Wills
It is important for you to have a valid will, even if you are not married, have no children, or are in your early 20s. Everyone should have a will to ensure their final wishes are carried out after their death. If you fail to execute a will, the DC intestate laws apply to your estate. The government will decide who receives your property and how the property is distributed among the heirs. Talk to a DC Estate Planning attorney now to learn how you can prevent the government from dictating the distribution of your estate. In addition, if you have not reviewed your estate plan recently, it is a good time to meet with me to review your plan to ensure it continues to meet your needs. Learn more...
DC Trust Preparation
If you are interested in discussing how trust agreements can protect your property and provide for your loved ones, I am here to help you. Trust agreements provide many tools that assist in estate planning. However, trust preparation might also be a valuable tool for retirement planning and incapacity planning. Trust agreements can avoid probate, reduce estate taxes, protect assets from creditors, provide for a person with special needs, provide income for your spouse and children after your death, and maintain financial privacy after your death. Learn more...
DC Probate Administration
A DC Estate Planning attorney can help you with the administration of a probate estate. Sometimes, a personal representative can open and close a probate estate without the assistance of an attorney. However, in large probate cases, estates involving probate litigation, and situations in which assets may be in jeopardy, hiring a probate attorney to represent you can help protect you from liability besides eliminating some of the stress associated with probate administration. Learn more...
DC Guardianships
Trust agreements and powers of attorney can sometimes avoid the need for a guardianship. However, if you need to apply to be a guardian for a minor child or an adult with a mental or physical impairment, a DC Estate Planning attorney can be of great assistance. Filing the petition to be appointed as a guardian is just the first step. Once you are appointed as guardian for the individual, you have legal duties and responsibilities including reporting to the court. Learn more...
DC Qualified Domestic Relations Order
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is used in a divorce case in which the non-owner of a retirement account is granted ownership of a percentage of the account. The funds must be withdrawn from the account to be disbursed to the non-owner. A QDRO directs the company that manages the retirement account to distribute a specific amount to the non-owner. Without a QDRO, you may have to pay substantial taxes on the funds withdrawn from the account. It may also be much more difficult to obtain the funds with the court order. Learn More...

Estate Planning: Top 50 Questions Answered
Estate planning can be an uncomfortable and overwhelming process. It doesn’t have to be. Armed with the information you need, estate planning can be an empowering process that takes a load of stress off of you and your family. Get the answers to the top 50 estate-planning questions from an experienced Maryland estate-planning attorney.